Research-Backed Insights
Evidence Shows We Help Educators:
Write Data-Driven Present Levels
Educators' use of Goalbook Toolkit is positively associated with higher-quality Present Levels statements.
Develop High-Quality Goals
Goals written with Goalbook Toolkit contain 2.5x more information for planning and measuring student success than other methods.
Implement Effective Instruction
Use of Goalbook Toolkit supported with a structured coaching plan significantly enhances instructional differentiation.
Improve Educator Effectiveness
Goalbook Toolkit helps educators identify present levels, write standards-aligned IEP goals, and use effective UDL strategies.
Enhance Collaboration
Studies show that Goalbook Toolkit improves collaboration between service providers and educators.
Increase Student Outcomes
Research shows a significant positive correlation between Goalbook Toolkit usage and improved student academic performance.
These findings affirm Goalbook's commitment to advancing educational practices and achieving measurable success in diverse learning environments.
Examining the Impact of Goalbook On Special Education Teachers' Retention
This study, conducted by University of North Carolina at Greensboro SERVE Center, examined the relationship between special educators' access to Goalbook Toolkit and special educator retention.
- A statistically significant positive association between Goalbook Toolkit access and retention for novice teachers.
- A 9.1% increase in district retention and an 8.2% increase in retention within the state for novice teachers with access to Goalbook Toolkit.

North Carolina
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, SERVE Center
Goalbook Toolkit Usage and Its Relation to Student Achievement In One Texas Public School District
This study, conducted by Johns Hopkins University Center for Research and Reform in Education, leveraged Goalbook Toolkit usage data and district data from school year 2022–23 to examine the relationship between educator usage of Goalbook Toolkit and student literacy outcomes.
- Weekly usage of Goalbook Toolkit was associated with significantly higher reading achievement for students.
- Higher quartiles of usage were associated with higher MAP Growth scores.
- Any Goalbook Toolkit usage compared to no usage was associated with higher state assessment scores.

Texas district
Johns Hopkins University, Center for Research and Reform in Education
Goalbook Toolkit Usage and Its Relation to Student Achievement In One Charter Network
This multi-state analysis, conducted by Johns Hopkins University Center for Research and Reform in Education, leveraged Goalbook Toolkit usage data and data from 68 schools across three states from the 2022–23 school year to examine the relationship between educator usage of Goalbook Toolkit and student literacy outcomes.
- A positive relationship between educators’ Goalbook Toolkit usage and student reading achievement on MAP.
- Higher quartiles of Goalbook Toolkit usage were associated with higher MAP Growth scores.
- Increased Goalbook Toolkit usage related to improved student reading achievement on MAP.

National Heritage Academies (multi- state)
Johns Hopkins University, Center for Research and Reform in Education
Goalbook Toolkit in Prince George's County Public Schools
This study, conducted by Empirical Education, leveraged Goalbook Toolkit usage data and school district data from 2021-22 to explore the impact of Goalbook Toolkit usage on student literacy outcomes.
- Strong evidence that Goalbook Toolkit usage is positively associated with student outcomes across grades 6-8.
- A positive association between the frequency of Goalbook Toolkit use and student outcomes on the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) reading test.
- Weekly usage of Goalbook Toolkit predicted a 9-percentile gain in student reading assessment scores.
- Significant positive impacts on student reading outcomes were observed when special educators used the Goalbook Toolkit at least weekly.

Prince George's County Public Schools (MD)
Empirical Education
A Study of Educator Attitudes and Beliefs and Goalbook Toolkit Usage
This study, conducted by Johns Hopkins University Center for Research and Reform in Education, was the first of a multi-year study using quantitative and qualitative means to explore the relationship between Goalbook usage and special educator self-efficacy across key areas of instructional practice, job satisfaction, and retention.
- Educators with the highest usage of Goalbook Toolkit showed significantly more growth in self-efficacy ratings across all areas of practice compared to those in the lowest quartile of usage.
- 87% of educators reported they are extremely likely or somewhat likely to stay in their current position for the next two years.

Johns Hopkins University, Center for Research and Reform in Education
Impact of Goalbook Toolkit
This study, conducted by University of North Carolina at Greensboro SERVE Center, examined the impact of Goalbook Toolkit access on student outcomes in North Carolina schools using a quasi-experimental design.
- Special educators' access to Goalbook Toolkit led to statistically significant higher reading scores for students with special needs compared to similar students in districts without access.
- Overall, students with special needs had a 0.07 standard deviation increase in reading scores, moving from the 50th to the 53rd percentile.
- Year 2 findings showed increased gains from year 1, suggesting that student improvements may grow over time with continued use of Goalbook Toolkit.

North Carolina
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Serve Center
The Relationship Between Quality of the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Statement and Student Learning
This study, conducted by the University of Missouri College of Education, examined the relationship between the quality of Present Levels statements and student achievement. Data from 211 special education teachers across 23 school districts in Missouri were analyzed.
- Educators' usage of Goalbook Toolkit resources was positively associated with higher-quality Present Levels statements.
- Higher-quality Present Levels statements were linked to increased student achievement outcomes in reading and math for students in grades 1–11.

Special School District of St. Louis CountySt. Louis, MO
University of Missouri
Inquiry of Goalbook Implementation
This study, conducted by Goalbook's internal Research team, was a year 1 evaluation of Goalbook Toolkit implementation at Earlywood Educational Services of Indiana and explored how special educators utilized Goalbook Toolkit to enhance their instructional practices and support students with special needs.
- Teachers' levels of efficacy increased across all practice areas, with the most significant improvements in using Goalbook Toolkit for instructional planning (28%) and creating standards-aligned goals (16%).
- Teacher's levels of efficacy increased 12% for unpacking standards and creating measurable goals.

Earlywood Educational ServicesFranklin, IN
Practicing Teachers' Use of an Online Resource Tool for IEP Goal Writing and Instructional Support
This study, conducted by Goalbook's internal Research team, was a year 1 evaluation of Toolkit implementation at Earlywood Educational Services of Indiana and explored how special educators utilized Goalbook Toolkit to enhance their instructional practices and support students with special needs.
- Goalbook Toolkit significantly increased educator efficiency and efficacy in creating standards-aligned, measurable IEP goals.
- Goalbook Toolkit enhanced practices in planning and co-planning instruction using research-based universal strategies.
- Educators reported improved effectiveness in addressing diverse student needs with the support of Goalbook Toolkit.

Evergreen Public SchoolsEvergreen, WA
Washington State UniversityUniversity of New Mexico
WestEd Studies How Goalbook Increases Effective Collaboration for Related Service Providers
This study, conducted by WestEd, investigated how Goalbook Toolkit's resources impact collaboration among related service providers and educators.
- Goalbook tools and resources significantly improved collaboration between related service providers and teachers.
- Enhanced collaboration led to more effective instructional practices on school campuses.
- Positive outcomes for students were observed as a result of increased teamwork among educators.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Instructional Impact Study
This study, conducted by WestEd, explored the use of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework is used to design instruction and facilitate differentiated lesson planning supported through a co-learning cycle with instructional coaches in D.C. Public Schools.
- Integration of Goalbook's UDL-rubric and Goalbook Toolkit in a structured coaching plan significantly enhanced instructional differentiation.
- Teachers' instructional planning and delivery improved with targeted UDL training and support.
- The co-learning cycle with instructional coaches facilitated more effective use of the UDL framework.

District of Columbia Public SchoolsWashington, D.C.
Goalbook Case Study
In this study, conducted by San Francisco State University, researchers evaluated how Goalbook supports student teachers in crafting personalized learning goals.
- Goals developed with Goalbook Toolkit provide 2.5 times more detail for planning and assessing individual student success.
- The enhanced specificity in goals improved the effectiveness of instructional planning and measurement.

San Francisco State University
We're Rooted in Research and Committed to Evidence-Based Practices
From utilizing insights from our own studies to leveraging research-based frameworks like Universal Design for Learning, The Center for Applied Special Technologies (CAST) and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), all of our work is informed by research. We're proud that we have earned the following endorsement and certification as a result.

Goalbook Toolkit is officially endorsed by the Council of Administrators for Special Education (CASE). The endorsement confirms Goalbook Toolkit is an evidence-based tool and is effective in improving teacher efficacy and student outcomes.

Goalbook Toolkit earned a certification as a Research-Based Design Product, using the rigorous criteria and competencies developed by Digital Promise. Goalbook Toolkit met the standards of research and evidence, aligned to the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.