Partner Spotlight

Transforming Special Education at Prince George’s County Public Schools

Presented by Andrea Burrell


On December 12, 2023, Andrea Burrell, the Instructional Specialist at Prince George’s County Public Schools, the 18th largest school district in the nation, delivered an insightful presentation detailing the systematic approach they utilized to enhance special education across their expansive district.

The presentation recording and companion materials that follow provide an opportunity to learn from a peer special education leader about what’s working in their district and gain valuable insights to implement in your own district regardless of size.

Click the play button to watch the presentation. Below the video, you’ll find a summary of the written content for reference.

District Background

In 2019, the Department of Special Education at Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) embarked on a strategic transformation journey to address challenges in providing effective support to diverse schools and improving the quality of IEPs.

Strategic Initiatives

The department identified three significant initiatives that they called “Big Rocks.” The three Big Rocks included:

  1. Professional Learning Plan: Develop a multi-year professional learning plan to support effective instruction using evidence-based practices and specially designed instruction.
  2. General Supervision System: Develop a system of general supervision to monitor the development and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
  3. IEP Compliance Improvement: Enhance compliance through auditing processes.

One Big Challenge Facing PGCPS Leaders Throughout the Process

How might we differentiate support for schools, based on each individual schools’ needs?

Goalbook Leadership Institute

To tackle this challenge in alignment with the three Big Rocks, the department initiated a Goalbook Leadership Institute, a transformative experience integrating design thinking principles. This process resulted in the creation of a tiered system of support that specifically acknowledged and addressed unique school needs.

This tiered system of support pictured above was implemented as a direct outcome of the Goalbook Leadership Institute, the tiered support system categorizes schools into universal, targeted, and intensive levels. Evaluation areas include academic achievement, IEP process, behavior supports, and academic performance.

Recognizing the iterative nature of the process, the department continuously refines the tiered support system based on stakeholder input. Testimonies, such as Dorothea Copeland’s, highlight the growing confidence and capacity among leaders at PGCPS.

Dorothea Copeland
Instructional Supervisor
Support Programs and Related Services at PGCPS
“Goalbook did an exceptional job linking our North Star guiding points with our daily practices. The experience helped to build our capacity as confident leaders who are willing to show up during times of challenge and uncertainty to create solutions that move us forward towards our purpose.”

Goalbook Toolkit Implementation

In addition to creating and implementing a tiered system of support, PGCPS simultaneously implemented Goalbook Toolkit, a job-embedded professional development tool that supports educators in crafting higher-quality IEPs. 

Goalbook Toolkit includes features like a present levels builder, scaffolded goal creation, progress monitoring resources, and an extensive library of evidence-based instructional strategies, aiming to save time and enhance the effectiveness of specially designed instruction.

Goalbook Toolkit is celebrated by PGCPS leaders and educators for its role in empowering educators to create meaningful, data-driven IEPs. This initiative has had a positive impact on the overall quality of specially designed instruction and the confidence levels of educators. Additionally, teacher’s use of Goalbook Toolkit has increased year over year, suggesting it has become an essential tool in special educators’ practice.


The comprehensive approach that PGCPS implemented exemplifies a commitment to systemic change and continuous improvement in meeting the diverse needs of students with disabilities. The synergy between PGCPS’s efforts, Goalbook’s thought partnership, and Goalbook Toolkit showcase a model for effective transformation in special education support systems.

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